Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Facts of Indian Rural Communities....

As being into business of trade and have been dealing with Indian Rural Communities. I have been wondering to see the tremendous potentials hidden (or have been restricted) with Indian Rural Communities. Being connected I found after the analysis the basic facts that rural community is not even connected properly with the urban community except the few families who moved away from villages to cities due to lack to basic livelihood not available or only available to the families who are worth and strong financially, they have only captured the Indian Villages businesses. Everybody knows that until this special community who are able to fulfill the basic needs of food and other commodities to the world are always kept away from being part of growth enjoyed by the people who understand the value of the business in India. 

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However in past few years there has been a substantial change in the mentality of this community and they really have been trying hard to come out from this situation which is around them for years and those who become successful mostly try to move from villages to cities in search of a better life and living.

Let now focus on few of the facts what are available with Indian Rural community to give to us. As being the land owners the food commodities are been produced by them only. Some of them have their own lands and some of them take lands on hire for one or maximum for two years and produce the food commodities. To earn their livelihood they really work hard risk their money and even after 65 years of Independence in India  they are mostly dependent on the Natural resources. 

To produce the commodities they need the following ....

1 ) Seeds
2 ) Water
3 ) Electricity
4 ) Latest Technical Knowledge like...

  1. Knowledge of Pesticides
  2. Knowledge of Fertilizers
  3. Knowledge of Preservation
  4. Knowledge of Market.
Photograph Courtesy by Photograph courtesy by

As we all know maximum of this community are illiterates and also even if the Govt of different States and Govt. of India claims that they have opened the knowledge centers, closest markets, Govt. bodies for technical know hows, nothing has happened as big change for this purpose. Despite the Claims of the different Governments of India still this community is lacking for the above said essentials. The result is this community is still not able to exploit the potential lying badly in this field. Unlike other develop countries even private players are not even interested in letting this community being trained and being self sufficient in produce the different commodities. Hence the result again is they are diverted from this potential to different other industries leaving behind their own high earning potential field. 

The areas where they can earn money and be prosperous are ...

  • Grains, Fruits 
  • Milk & Its Products
  • Raw Materials for different industries like Cotton
  • Handicrafts
  • Handmade Textiles
  • Handmade Households
  • Sugar
  • Plantation & Nursery
  • Bricks
  • Woodworking
  • Claypots
Apart from the above there are lots of the other areas where the rural community can be able to produce and become a valuable resource to the Indian Economy provided there are been given enough knowledge and support just like other industries are been promoted and been facilitated with knowledge and technical know-how.

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